News/ Press Release

Anonymous One Million Dollar Gift Given to Retina Foundation for AMD Research

The Retina Foundation of the Southwest is extremely pleased to announce that we have received an anonymous gift of one million dollars to the Retina Foundation of the Southwest to support age-related macular degeneration (AMD) research. This generous gift will be used to help develop new treatments for AMD.

At the Retina Foundation, we put patients first, and our scientists are on the cutting edge of research to find tools to better diagnose and treat AMD, through early detection, delaying disease onset and slowing the progression of the disease. Our hope is to help patients live more independent, quality-filled lives.

Everyone deserves a lifetime of good vision, and the Retina Foundation is advancing research to help millions Americans living with AMD, the number one cause of vision loss for people over the age of 50.

Anonymous One Million Dollar Gift Given to Retina Foundation for AMD Research

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