News/ Press Release

The Retina Foundation Hosts Eye On Innovation, The Series, to Discuss Transforming Dallas Health – The Legacy of T. Boone Pickens.

November 20, 2024

Blindness. Cancer. Brain Health. Hospice. Nursing. Health and Fitness.

Protecting health and the quality of life is an important part of T. Boone Pickens’ legacy, and his investment in innovative medical research and science helped shape the fabric of Dallas healthcare today.

During the Retina Foundation’s Eye on Innovation, The Series, on November 20, 2025, guests remembered the wisdom and generosity of philanthropist T. Boone Pickens. Fifteen years ago, Pickens invested in the future of the Retina Foundation by endowing a chair for the recruitment and hiring age-related macular degeneration (AMD) expert Dr. Karl Csaky, who is the inaugural T. Boone Pickens Chair.

The Retina Foundation is the global medical destination for innovative research and treatment to save and preserve vision. Stem cell research, genetic editing and cutting-edge clinical trials are led by doctors and scientists renowned in their field right here in Dallas, accelerating research to bring us solutions for degenerative retinal diseases. Patients are never charged for the care they receive.

While Pickens was able to witness many years of progress until he passed away in 2019, the years since his passing have rendered accelerated advancements due to his generosity, bringing the Retina Foundation even closer to restoring lost vision. One man’s vision to save vision has advanced diagnoses, treatments and potential solutions to AMD with exponential impact.

Genetic markers have been discovered. Better and earlier diagnostic tools have been developed. Clinical trials continue, like the AMD Stem Cell Sibling Study where two sisters’ stem cells are explored to determine why one sibling presents with AMD while the other does not, even though they have the same genetic markers.

Protecting health and quality of life is an important part of T. Boone Pickens’ legacy, and his investment in innovative medical research and science helped shape the fabric of Dallas healthcare today. Blindness, cancer, brain health, hospice, nursing, and health and fitness are a few of the focused healthcare areas in which Pickens made investments.

Several guests in attendance at the Eye on Innovation event represented just some of the philanthropist’s impact in Dallas – including Sandi Chapman with Center for BrainHealth and Stephanie Brigger with Scottish Rite for Children.

A panel discussion honored the philanthropy of T. Boone Pickens and forecast future innovations to come, featuring:

  • Karl Csaky, MD, PhD

Chief Executive & Medical Officer, Retina Foundation
Boone Pickens Director, Molecular Ophthalmology Laboratory
Director, Clinical Center of Innovation for AMD

  • Jay Rosser

Senior Advisor, Concordia
Former Chief of Staff for the late T. Boone Pickens
Former Vice President of Public Affairs for BP Capital
Co-Chair of the Retina Foundation’s 2025 Visionary Luncheon

  • Cheryl Hall

Business Columnist, The Dallas Morning News




Scott Murray and Steve Durham


Jay and Monica Rosser, Sandi Chapman, Isabell Novakov Higginbotham and Trey Higginbotham


Dr. Sri Sripathi, Naomi Emmett


Laurie Dotter, Libby Hunt Allred


Dr. Karl Csaky, Margot Perot


Monica and Brent Christopher


Susie and Sandy McCullough, Stephanie Brigger


Cheryl Hall, Dr. Karl Csaky, Jay Rosser

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Amy Johnson, Cheryl Hall


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