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Patient Story

July 11, 2018

Retina Foundation Helps Avery

Avery is a happy and affectionate little girl who has been amazingly brave for a total of twelve surgical procedures. …

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Clinical Research

June 14, 2018

Children With Amblyopia and Strabismus Take Longer To Complete Answer Forms Interview with: Krista Kelly, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow Crystal Charity Ball Pediatric Vision Evaluation Center Retina Foundation of the Southwest …

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News/ Press Release

May 20, 2018

Retina Foundation Presents New Data & Conclusions at ARVO 2018

The Retina Foundation of the Southwest research scientists recently attended the 2018 Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) meeting …

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Patient Story

March 15, 2018

Chance Encounter Leads to Early Diagnosis and Treatment for Kate

It was a chance encounter that Kate received treatment for her lazy eye at an early age. Her mother, Tori, …

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News/ Press Release

August 31, 2017

National Eye Institute Awards $954,770 for a 5-Year Study on Lazy Eye

Krista Kelly, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, Crystal Charity Ball Pediatric Vision Laboratory, studies pediatric eye disorders under the direction of Dr. …

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News/ Press Release

July 1, 2017

Join Us in Celebration of 35 Years!

Research began at the Retina Foundation 35 years ago on July 1, 1982. We are proud of the many discoveries …

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Clinical Research

May 26, 2017

International Partnership for Lazy Eye Detection and Treatment

Dr. Eileen Birch, Director of the Crystal Charity Ball Pediatric Vision Laboratory, has partnered with researchers at the University of …

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Clinical Research

November 18, 2016

iPad Game Study: Frequently Asked Questions

Recently, the journal JAMA Ophthalmology broke the story on the Retina Foundation’s new innovative treatment for children with lazy eye …

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Clinical Research

November 9, 2016

iPad Games Could Be the Future Lazy Eye Treatment

Eileen E. Birch, Ph.D., Director of the Crystal Charity Ball Pediatric Vision Laboratory at the Retina Foundation of the Southwest, …

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