Yi-Zhong Wang, Ph.D.
Director, Macular Function Laboratory
Ph.D., Indiana University, 1996
Office: 214-363-3911 ext.133
Shape Perception, Perceptual Organization, Aging, Amblyopia and Macular Degeneration
Representative Publications:
Wang, Y.Z., Morale, S. E., Cousins, R., and Birch, E. E. (2009) “Course of development of global hyperacuity over lifespan”, Optom & Vis Sci, Vol. 86 (6), 695-700.
Wang, Y. Z. and Hess, R. F. (2005) “Contributions of local orientation and position features to shape integration”. Vision Research. Vol. 45, 1375-83.
Wang, Y. Z., Wilson, C. E., Locke, K. G. and Edwards, A. O. (2002) “Shape discrimination in age-related macular degeneration”. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. Vol. 43(6), pp.2055-2062.
Wang, Y. Z. (2001) “Effects of aging on shape discrimination”. Optometry and Vision Science, Vol.78 (6), pp.447-454
Wang, Y.Z., Thibos, L.N., and Bradley, A. (1997). “Effects of spherical defocus on detection, resolution, and letter discrimination in the periphery”. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 38, 2134-2143
Mailing Address:
Dr. Yi-Zhong Wang
Retina Foundation of the Southwest
9600 N. Central Expressway, Suite 200
Dallas, TX 75231
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