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Patient Story

July 8, 2016

Early Detection is Critical for Rare Eye Diseases

Achromatopsia is a rare inherited eye disease characterized by decreased vision (20/200), extreme light sensitivity, and the absence of color …

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Clinical Research

May 9, 2016

New iPad Amblyopia Treatment is a “Hot Topic”

Krista Kelly, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow in the Crystal Charity Ball Pediatric Vision Laboratory, presented a study that was selected by …

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Clinical Trials

February 26, 2016

Watching Movies Could Help Treat Children with Lazy Eye

Researchers at the Retina Foundation of the Southwest are developing a new and unique approach to treating amblyopia, “lazy eye,” …

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News/ Press Release

February 19, 2016

9th Annual David R. Stager Sr., M.D. Lecture

Ewa Niechwiej-Swedo, Ph.D. from the University of Waterloo in Canada was our speaker for the David R. Stager Sr., M.D. …

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Patient Story

October 25, 2015

Reading Research Helped Madelyn

(Dallas, TX – October 2015) Amanda knew there was something wrong when at the age of 18 months, Madelyn wasn’t …

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Patient Story

September 29, 2015

Engaging iPad Game Approach as Alternative to Patching

Wendy first noticed Gabriela’s eyes turning before she was one year old. Subsequently, she was diagnosed with strabismus, “crossed eyes,” …

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