
Recently@Retina Newsletter July 2023

July 25, 2023


July 2023

The mission of the Retina Foundation of the Southwest is to prevent vision loss and restore sight through innovative research and treatment for pediatric eye conditions, inherited eye diseases, and age-related macular degeneration.



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What is a

child’s most

important school



Their Eyes!

Two to three children in every classroom have amblyopia (lazy eye), but until recently the only treatment was to cover the child’s stronger eye with a patch. While the stronger eye is covered, the child’s weaker eye can strengthen its connection to the brain. Understandably children do not enjoy patching, so Retina Foundation scientist Dr. Eileen Birch is investigating alternative treatments for amblyopia, the most common cause of vision loss in children.

Children in the most recent study are provided an iPad fitted with a polarizing screen overlay. Instead of the hated eye patch, the child will wear polarizing glasses that block the stronger eye’s view of the iPad screen. Taking this mobile treatment with them, the child can do anything they want on the iPad – play games, do homework, or watch videos – during treatment.

To monitor home treatment time, a small sensor in a 3-D printed “sensor holder” designed and donated by local company, Midi Maker is slid onto the glasses. With enough treatment time, the connections between the weaker eye and the brain are strengthened and vision improves. We think that this patch-free treatment will lead to better compliance and better vision outcomes than patching., NCT05440448, Patch-free Occlusion


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iPad and glasses customized with polarized screen overlay/lenses

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Customized glasses with compliance sensor attached

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Sensor in 3-D printed holder created and donated by Midi Maker

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Inserting the sensor into the hub uploads the recorded compliance time

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September 21st

Spread the word!

Spread the word to your friends and loved ones about the

Retina Foundation and NTX Giving Day!

Don’t forget to tag #RetinaFoundation #NTxGivingDay and

#FindYourPassionGiveWithPurpose if you’re posting online!

Encourage your friends and family to get up and give as well!

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Communities Foundation of Texas is even offering a prize for the social media post that’s shared the most!


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Clinical Trials



July 2023 Recently At Retina Newsletter Img 8Finding the Best Dose of a New Drug for Retinal Dystrophy

Rose-Silverthorne Laboratory ID: NCT05902962

Single Arm Dose Escalation Study to Evaluate the Safety and Tolerability of IVT VP-001 in Patients with PRPF31- Associated Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP)

Will an Investigational Drug Alter Course of Late-Stage Dry AMD?

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Molecular Ophthalmology Laboratory ID: NCT05811351

A Study to Evaluate Intravitreal JNJ- 81201887 (AAVCAGsCD59) Compared to Sham Procedure for the Treatment of Geographic Atrophy (GA) Secondary to Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

Comparing the Accuracy of Two New Vision Screening DevicesJuly 2023 Recently At Retina Newsletter Img 10

Crystal Charity Ball Pediatric Vision Laboratory ID: NCT03919708

Deploying Retinal Birefringence Imaging into the Clinic for Pediatric Vision Screening



Please help the Retina Foundation continue

leading research and saving sight.


Recently@Retina Newsletter July 2023

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